18 USC 2257

最終更新日:26 / 8 / 2024

注:これ 18 USC §2257 この声明はもともと英語で書かれていた。 18 USC §2257 この声明が英語以外の言語で提供されている場合、翻訳は情報提供のみを目的としています。英語版と翻訳版との間に矛盾または食い違いがある場合は、英語版が優先されます。
18 USC §2257 記録保持要件の遵守に関する声明:
The operator of porngecko.com is not classified as the producer (either primary or secondary as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2257) of any content available on porngecko.com. The operator's role is strictly limited to the transmission, storage, retrieval, hosting, and/or formatting of content posted by third-party users in areas of the website under the users' control.
For any requests regarding §2257 records related to content on porngecko.com, please contact the specific uploader, amateur, producer, studio, or account holder responsible for the content (“Verified Uploaders”).
If you need assistance in contacting the Verified Uploaders or have any questions about this notice, please reach out to porngecko.com’s compliance department at https://porngecko.com/contact.

porngecko.com follows strict compliance procedures for all uploaded content:
すべての認証済みアップロード者は、少なくとも18歳以上(または州、管轄区域、または国の法定年齢がそれより高い場合)であり、 personally verified by porngecko.com at the time of account activation before they can upload, share, or sell content on porngecko.com.
Before any content is uploaded, porngecko.com requires that all Verified Uploaders provide proof or certify that:
  • コンテンツに描かれているすべての個人は 18 歳以上です(または、州、管轄区域、または国でより高い最低年齢要件を満たしています)。
  • They voluntarily consented to appear in the content at the time of its creation and agree to its upload on porngecko.com;
  • As the producer of the content, the Verified Uploader certifies compliance with the record-keeping requirements under U.S.C. § 2257 for all content uploaded to porngecko.com and agrees to provide such documentation promptly upon request;
  • The uploaded content does not violate porngecko.com’s Terms of Service or any of its policies, including but not limited to the Child Sexual Abuse Material Policy and the Non-Consensual Content Policy.